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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Image Hosted by The past couple of times i've tried to posy, damn blogger is fixing something.

I got to play DJ last night at University of Sioux Falls, 94.5fm. I basically played a bunch of athens townie shit and got homesick. I think three people here in town actually listened, and someone called up requesting Piebald, a band i hate.

I should've talked more trash. It hardly seemed interactive just putting a bunch of MP3's on winamp and taking constant smoke-breaks

I think i have a spot the following Monday as well.

I'll definitely be on the microphone more.

This town needs an enema.

So make your requests now.

10:43 PM


Tuesday, August 24, 2004

i am very happy about this.

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10:51 AM


Sunday, August 22, 2004

Guess what?

I don't understand women.

Big fucking suprise there.

Since i lost the two friends i have here due to the fact they quit smoking, and therefore quit drinking, i've been quite solitary. i really don't mind it that much. It actually makes me want to go to work so i have people to talk to, and i need to be diligent with work and earn my monies. So, yes, it works out that way. But on my weekends i can't just stay in my apartment for 48 hours. I've got to have some form of human interaction.

So i retreat to old habits and frequent diners. Not exciting by any means, but i can smoke, catch up on reading, I mean REALLY catch up on my reading, and eventually someone will come and sit across from me.

"Whatcha reading?"

It's the same way every time. I know this routine inside and out, so much so that it makes me wonder how people are still suckered in from such obvious bait. It's the most passive way of hitting on women, like fishing is to hunting.

But it works. I don't know why. I don't come up to random strangers, well, yes i do, but i don't invade space. Okay, some times i do, but only verbally. And usually drunk.

It's not that i'm shy. I'm just not agressive in that respect. I wish i was the type with the confidence to grab someone, lead them into the woods to make-out. People who can get away with that, and know it. Amazing.

But not me.

The last time i went after a female was a couple of weeks ago. The asian booty call in fact. All the time i was in Atlanta i was thinking about seeing her again. Spacial distance of course adding to it, the desire that is. But when i got back, and finally managed to track her down a few days later, man, i got blown the fuck off.

But it was weird.

Usually when you blow someone off you do not do the following:

1: Invite them out to a bar and
2: Have great c0nversation, filled with laughs, stories, questions, and constant eye contact, and
3: Suggest things 'we should do' in the future and
4: Close the bar with said person and
5: Insist on paying for the drinks and
6: Asking the person to walk you to your car only to
a: Have another hours worth of conversation
b: admit to that person that you are fucking a married guy and secretly love him.

(being the best thing she could have said to me....)

You do tell that person that you really like him, that you've never met anyone quite like him.


You'd just get bored with them in a month, and the last thing you need is a pseudo stalker.

Nope, you have enough of those already.

Back to fishing, however, here's where i stand.

1: Michele, the half Mexican, half Lakota Indian.

She apporached me. At first i though she was kind of cute, and something nwas bteer than nothing. But after a couple of hours hanging out with her at her apartment led me to believe that i could entertain more stimulating conversations with the grit in my carpet.

But maybe the sex would be good. Shit, something about her had to...

Nope. I was so bored that halfway through i stopped.

And she didn't mind.

So there you have it. A mutual parting of ways.

"But call me sometime.", she says....

2: Jessica, the chubby 19 yr old, who was very interested in having me help her move into her dorm at some college in Sioux City, IA.

I rejected this for obvious reasons.

3: And yes, 3, which happened tonight. Tara. Don't know much about her, but i have seen her around quite a bit, and always with this guy close by, who i assumed to be her boyfriend.

(i'll refer to him as "Guy:A"

Nope. But she wants him. And apparently he wants her. But there is a problem

I learn this because both of them came up to me, and brought a third, a guy (B:) with a pre-mullet, and jeans with no belt used. And both of them sat down, the guy asking me about my ink.

"What is that on your arm?" (my friends have heard me get asked that question about 1 billion times over...)

I'll give it to them. These three were interesting. Definitely a nice change . What was strange is how they related to me that the guys both were after the girl. But the girl didn't want B, she wanted A. But A had a girlfriend, some stupid 17 yr old virgin who seemed to be stuck with her politically.

And that of course is really fucking lame, and what do i expect hanging out in diners?

About the same if i hung out in bars.

So it turns out the girl is really into theatre and film, more theatre than film.

And so am i, more film than theatre.

But A and B are into fucking hot CHIX. And high fives. And being cool.

So i talk to girl, boring the other two.

"Just ignore them," she says, "They hate it when i talk about this stuff."

She seemed so excited to talk with someone about things she liked. I mean, the girl went from polite and mildly inquisitve to energetic and refreshed in a matter of seconds when she discovered i was a fan of Mamet (his writng, NOT his directing).

And an hour or so later guy A gets bored and wants to go home. Just interupts with his immediate want.

And since she wants to be with someone so stimulating, they leave.

Too bad.

Oh well.

I'm getting a dog.

...... xMutant Geniusx (3:55:54 AM): or lousy
jailybrokenstein (3:56:20 AM): never had an orgasm, EVER, not even by her lonesome
jailybrokenstein (3:56:33 AM): so not really into it
jailybrokenstein (3:56:53 AM): just sorta let's her man hump away, which i am not into whatsoever
xMutant Geniusx (3:56:58 AM): in some ways I'd see that as a challenge
jailybrokenstein (3:57:11 AM): yeah, if the challenge is there
jailybrokenstein (3:57:37 AM): but she hates the oral, and that shit was rainforest, another thing i am NOT into...

xMutant Geniusx (4:05:23 AM): I'm enjoying the hell outta it
jailybrokenstein (4:05:42 AM): as you should, a god given right to all males
xMutant Geniusx (4:05:42 AM): it's nice have a 20 yr old sex fiend
jailybrokenstein (4:05:54 AM): ah, the good ole days...
xMutant Geniusx (4:05:59 AM): lol
jailybrokenstein (4:06:00 AM): miss it
jailybrokenstein (4:06:05 AM): miss it bad
xMutant Geniusx (4:06:11 AM): Well I'm finally getting to enjoy that kind of shit
jailybrokenstein (4:06:18 AM): fuck sith, i'm going pediphile
xMutant Geniusx (4:06:22 AM): HAHAHAHAHA
xMutant Geniusx (4:06:37 AM): to bad you left town you could join Joe and I in out Sith ways
jailybrokenstein (4:06:51 AM): i'm opening a sodak chapter

Yes. When bored i will refer to the disdain of dating in Star Wars terms.

The truth of the matter is that i've reverted back to my old romantic ways. I did really want this girl to come back with me, but not to hump on her.

Yes, my libido has returned to it's 15 yr old boy glory, which i'm not sure how that happened.

But did just want to hang out with her one on one, keep talking trash, film, and just get to know her. I liked her. I'll look forward to seeing her again.

All that shit.

But it's hard to play the duality of romanticism and realism. What do you do with hope when the past slaps you awake, to attention?

...but put the past behind you.
That's where it belongs.
Just try and not be to bitter about it, right?

Yeah, all that shit.

People leave when they someplace to go.

They stay if they've an agenda that involves you.
Whether it's for stability....
Or for fear of lonliness...
Or for sex...
Or for lack of courage to just be honest.
But rarely for love.

Because we all know that fades.
And we make sure we fuck and we laugh and we pass time making some great memories till someone does leave.

Walk that is.

We just hope that we're the first to walk.

Like i said, i'm getting a dog.

George Carlin said getting a pet is like buying a minor tragedy.

6:44 AM


Friday, August 20, 2004

It's just one stupid thing after another. and that shit is hilarious.

Yesterday, in an attempt to get out of about an hours worth of work i decided to give blood. They had a bloodmobile parked just outside, and some lady at a desk with a registration form trying to get the workers as they came in and out of the building between smoke breaks. The Red Cross like their blood with an ample supply of nicotine after the tax raise in tobacco...

So i sign up. It's the first time i've ever given, always being turned down in the past because of tattoos and body jewelry and unprotected roman orgies. But in my old age enough time has passed so they say i'm safe.

In i go. A nurse sits me down with a billion-questionnaire. Second to last question is whether or not i've been in jail or prison within the last 12 months.

"Well, yes....But it was for less than 72 hours."

"Ok, you're good then."

Apparently 72 hours AND one minute and i was Magic Johnson.

They set me up along with the others. Needle goes in, blood comes out, whatever. Time passes, they get their liter, needle comes out, i get to choose what color bandage i want.

"I can't tell the color anyway, so whatever you like."

"Ok Shaun, if you'll just have a seat over there when you feel alright. You can grab yourself a cookie and some orange juice."

I feel okay. No big deal. I get up and walk over to the cookies and shit. sit down with some older women that i work with and gab away.

Then the stars show up. The sound in my ears starts sounding like the back seat of a car in Downtown ATL. Fuck.

"Um, i think i'm going down", i say. two nurses come over and begin escorting me to a so i'm on a mountain i think. wait, i think i've been here before and there's a chirping noise in the background and i think it's my alarm clock aw fuck i'm late for work but this bed feels so comfortable and i don't want to get up and someone's calling my name and fuck off lady i'll get up when i want and, what the, what the fuck is that wet shit under my nose?

"What the fuck do you WANT!", i yell.

Wait a minute, where am i.

"Shaun, you passed out. it's okay."

Great. Down like a sack of potatos on the bloodmobile. I impress even myself.

"i did?"


"did i hit my head on anything?"

"No, we caught you."

"Did i score a ten?"

9:53 PM


Thursday, August 19, 2004

I'm not sure what i think about this new "blogger NavBar". It does give me some appreciation though for the persons i link and who link me.


On a smoke break today i was commenting on how i look like shit lately, that i could use a haircut, probably a shower, and my clothes some washing.

And this old guy, a collector, started laughing.

"A HAHAHA, how's the line at GOODWILL going? Tell my ex i said hi!"

Okay. I'll ignore that. Just be pleasant, you are, after all, at work.

And then he continues...

"Man, you do look like shit. What's wrong with you anyway man, i mean, can't you find your way to a razor. Jesus, if i knew they were hiring folks like you i woulda ran outta here a long time ago!"

And then he keeps laughing while i contemplate the blunt intstrument i will use on his false teeth, while they are still in his mouth. I just stare at him, a bit shocked at how strong he's coming at me, and how funny he thinks it is. All got uncomfortable at what he was saying, and how loud he was.

"Oh man, i'm just horsin' around with you, but seriously, if you need five bucks for some clothes, just ask man. All you gotta do is ask!"

And he keeps laughing.

So i ask him for the five bucks.

and he gives it to me.

And i get to keep my job. And i don't have to go to jail. And i'm 5 dollars the better.

And i know what car he drives.

5:28 AM


Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Alright. Finally.

I finally met Mr Internet Man yesterday, being Monday. He turned out to be a soft spoken, soft door knocking slovic gentlemen with a thick accent. So soft door knocking, in fact, that had it not been for my bedroom activity partner getting up early to go to work, i would have never heard him knocking and this post would not be written, so to speak.

So thank you, bedroom activity partner.

And as it seems that i have suffered hits to this site (obviously in light of the fact that i have lost my "OMG, like, he hangs out with/has sex with BUNNY Mcintosh!" thunder) that i am left with a few loyal fans, subscribers, whatever. And they thank you as well, bedroom activity partner.

So yeah. I'm back in this bitch.

5:06 AM


Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Things i discovered while driving halfway across the country:

That the mid-west proves that the biker community is alive and well.

If you smoke close to three packs of cigarettes you will find that Mt. Dew Code Red tastes like drinking PB&J.

That slapping your face really hard will prevent you from falling asleep at the wheel for about a minute, until you discover that you will still fall asleep at the wheel despite the fact that your face hurts.

Due to boredom and lack of a CD/MP3 player you will listen to anything the radio provides.
You may also find yourself telling the flute player to "bring the pain" during his solo on "California Dreamin''.

That you are a dork, and will blog this stupid shit.

I'm working on giving the blog a facelift. I've already added a few links, including one for TONY because i feel bad that nobody goes to his site.

I also took down the retarded dancing boy/girl person.

Oddly enough the page now loads faster. Heh.

Man, i'm stopping right now.

5:17 AM


Monday, August 09, 2004

made it. sorry to those i was supposed to call upon arrival.

caught rain from KC up to Sioux City IA. 17hr trip time.

Went home, slept for 14 hours.

Yes, i am part bear.

Time for working now.

9:55 AM


Saturday, August 07, 2004

Part Two:

This is part two, being the second part, you phony, you imposter.

Arrive in Atlanta (Hartsfield/Jackson[cause you can't keep a brotha down]) . Am picked up. I need sleep, it's not coming anytime soon.

I hate this town. It's muggy, it's hot, there is too much traffic and not enough shootings. L.A. used to have the hillside snipers keeping constant watch over the herds (who knows, maybe they still do but perhaps a bit timid?). I say Atlanta should get some as well. Just hide in the kudzu with the evicted rednecks.

Drive drive drive. Make it to Canton. Eat Quizno's , get fat on sliced meat and ATKINS unfriendly bread. Come up with excuses, reason, explanations, bullshit and sad, sad stories. Drive to probation management.

I dared them. They denied i called, i threatened a lawsuit. It's Rob's fault. He put the idea in my head. For some reason they choked and withdrew the TWO warrants they had for me. I guess the refresher course i took at work paid off in me being able to exert assertiveness over others.

Yeah, that's it.

In the end they gave me what i wanted; To be able to mail the payments, w/out reporting.

Now. Was that so hard?

No, but it was costly.

Then a bunch of other shit happened.

Was going to head out for the SD last Saturday. Instead i was gifted a car. And i still have a job. they gave me an emergency something.
Stayed another week to tie up ends with that, and now the plan, if i get the expected paycheck in the mail, is to be outta town by noon.

And perhaps i can...

Rob thinks gay marriage is okay.


6:22 AM


Thursday, August 05, 2004

And a word of advice:

Never, while walking around the house in bare feet, think that the broken glass you stepped on was actually a particularly sharp piece of cat food and continue walking.

9:31 PM



This has been a crazy, yet insanely boring two weeks. I'm actually glad to be goinbg back to SD on Saturday.

I got my probation taken care of, but i lost a close friend.

I got a car, but i lost so much money.

I met up with some old friends, and life seemes to be getting back to how it used to be.

But it's always different. You just can't get it back.

But you all know this.

And none of them have anything to do with the other. These are all things i didn't expect to happen.

And so i truly expected this to happen.

9:21 PM


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